Monday, July 11, 2011

Infinite Loop

I come home, mentally exhausted from the work day -- 8hrs, 12hrs, it doesn't matter. It's all the same. I come home exhauseted -- ready for the routine: change clothes, feed Payton, start laundry, run, take a shower, cook something unhealthy on the Foreman, read some business topics, stream something on Netflix (still waiting on you, Limitless), waste time surf the web for no reason, play guitar, pay the occasional bill or two, layout my clothes for the next day (iron if need be), go to bed, lay in bed for an hour, not fall asleep for two hours, wake up, hit the snooze, hit the snooze again, Payton's meowing, jump in the shower, get ready, run to catch the L, arrive at work, deal with emails and projects that won't mean anything to anyone a month from now, decide if I should take my talents to South Beach, do work, contemplate the weekend, yearn for danger, come home, and do it all over again.

My life feels like an infinite loop.


  1. Dude, easy solution: you just need to convince Andie MacDowell to love you. She is probably 50 something now, but I assume she's a MILF

  2. That's why I started robbing banks. Thrills. Danger. Money. It's got it all!
