So let's say you have two pairs of jeans, both at a cost of 69.90 each. Normal price is $139.80 (plus tax) for both.
Now let's say you see Express has their "deal" of Buy 1, Get 1 half off...now one pair of jeans is $34.95 and if you were to purchase two pairs, you'd pay $104.85.
So let's recap:
Normal price, jeans (x2) = 139.80 (plus tax)
"Deal" price, jeans (x2) = 104.85 (plus tax)
-Now the fun with the numbers...
Let's take the original price of two pairs of jeans and divide them by two (139.80/2) which equals $69.90.
(so far so good)
-Now let's take the "deal" price of the two pairs of jeans and divide them by two (104.85/2) which equals $52.43.
(makes sense)
-Now let's find the difference...
69.90-52.43 = $17.47 (difference) - Now to some of you this may look like a good deal (saving $17 per pair of jeans) and perhaps it is. My point to you is to look at the original sale price; seems a little high doesn't it?
$70 is excessive for a pair of jeans, so don't fall into the trap of spending more money ($104) and thinking you're "saving" money. Sure, if you're in the market for two pairs of jeans than maybe this works for you (much like shopping the day after Thanksgiving works out for some people as well) for others though, they're tricked into thinking they're saving money by spending money.
And you can guarantee Express is banking on that.
We covered simple math and I dropped some logic on you. Two for the price of one...
...now THAT is a good deal.
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