Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Greenspan and Sex Panther

I was perusing the inter web and found this article about our former Chairman of the Fed, Alan Greenspan.

Greenspan is quoted as saying "When you've been in government for 21 years, as I have been, the issue of retrospect and what you should have done is a really futile activity," Greenspan said. "I was right 70% of the time. But I was wrong 30% of the time, and there were an awful lot of mistakes in 21 years," he added.

When I read the above underlined quote, I immediately thought of sex panther:

60% of the time, it works every time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops! Accidentally commented under my wife's account up there! ^

    That's a pretty sound, if not hilarious, comparison. The 30% of the time that Greenspan was wrong, the results were very similar to the Sex Panther results (people running away screaming; world dipping into a deep recession).

  3. you LOVE bringing up sex panther any chance you get, don't you will?? haha

  4. @Brad, yeah I knew you'd enjoy the comparison.

    @Tom, why yes, yes I do. It has bits of real panther in it-so you know it's good.
