Thursday, September 9, 2010

Student Loans, Gateway Drug To Debt Slavery

Student Loans, Gateway Drug To Debt Slavery | The Consumerist

"One of the most important lessons students learn in college is how to get into debt and stay there. It's crucial to the success of the Republic. An indebted population is easier to control; needing to pay off crushing debt - a debt that if defaulted on has been stripped of many normal consumer protections and rights - graduates more willingly shuttle into cubicles, becoming the square pegs demanded by the square holes. After a few futile years of floundering idealism, their souls have been successfully jackbooted into powder and they're ready to keep the thumb on the next generation of would-be drones so as to protect their empire of matchsticks. But how did we get here? This chunky infographic examines the origins and (d)evolution of the student loan leviathan"

I have been talking about this for years. The student loan situation is out of control. Tuition costs are higher (even when America experienced one of the worst financial crises in history) and interest rates rose ON A GUARANTEED, RISK-FREE LOAN!!!

In addition, my friend found this GREAT Frontline story...

1 comment:

  1. yeah, these rising tuition costs for college scare the crap out of me. what exactly are students paying $40,000 a year for?!? i'm pretty sure have the students don't even go to class, they just read whatever book they need to for the class (usually written by the professor himself which is another great money making scheme).
